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Online Music Theory Exams

The Practise Exams help you to familiarise yourself with the online music theory platform.
So you can get to know the navigation, answer some examples of the different question types (multiple choice, select correct or incorrect answers, drag and drop, as well as basic notes and scales writing). You can also practice the functions and use of the advanced Notation Editor (from Grade 6 and higher).

Practise Exams are only available for students who are taking an Online Music Theory Exam with LCME.

When you are taking an Online Music Theory Exam with LCME, you will receive your account details including an enrolment to the Practise Exam a few days prior to the exam day.

The advanced Notation Editor is a fully featured editor to write music online.

It works similarly to other music notation software, but some commands and input methods are specially designed and you should practice enough to become familiar with all of its functions.

We strongly recommend that you use relevant past examination papers or sample questions and practice them with the help of this User Guide with the Notation Editor.

Digital Recorded Exams

Visit our FAQs for Digital Recorded Exams.

Bookings can be made here.