Note Entry / Multiple Voices

The Notation Editor supports multiple voices. You can create up to four voices, which is usually sufficient for SATB scores.
You can add and switch between voices by opening the „V0“ menu item and select V1 – V4.
V“ dissolves the selected voice including all its notes.

Please note: the voices V1, V2, V3 and V4 are separate for each staff. For example, for SATB, use V1 and V2 in the treble clef (SA) and V1 and V2 in the bass clef (TB).
The combination V1 and V2 in the treble clef and V3 and V4 in the bass clef will not work because the system expects values for V1 and V2 in the bass clef, but these would be missing in this example.

Accordingly, V3 and V4 are only necessary, when you have to write:

  • more than 2 parts on 1 staff
  • more than 4 parts on 2 staves
  • and so on…